
Welcome to my blog! I'm Christina Shippey...... a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Northwest Arkansas! Here you get to see my most recent work and occasionally get a peek into my personal life.

Take a look around and feel free to leave a comment.... I love to hear what you think and really enjoy feedback!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


My New Website!

I almost can't believe what I'm about to say... can't believe that I have one... and it is finally finished! Most of all I can't wait to show everyone..............MY OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!! I know crazy huh?! I think it's the coolest thing ever.... that I actually have a REAL website!! Check it out at ChristinaShippeyPhotography.com!! Also.... very excited about this too (these things have been hanging out in purse for over a month now and I have been itching to give them out)..... my new business cards!! I couldn't give them out until now because they have my website address on them and it hasn't been ready until now!! My business cards are so cool.... each has my info on one side with my favorite color (turquoise) and a different picture on the other side of each one to show my work!! Okay.... drumroll please..... reason number three I am so excited is Ruthie and Chris' wedding is up on my new website and they have their own slideshow!! Head to the website and click on weddings!! Let me know how you like it..... or anything you don't like or think I could make better! I would love ya'lls feedback!!


Anonymous October 27, 2009 at 2:06 AM  

Your pictures are sick! (As in really good)
-Dave Parker

Jodi October 27, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

I am so proud of you! WOW! What an amazing accomplishment to have your own website up and running! I remember when we were sitting on the couch just talking about it- and now its the real deal! It looks spectacular...and I kinda feel like a celbrity with my pictures on it (thanks for making me feel special!) I can't wait for you to take our family pics in November! Love ya!


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