Starbucks and Specs & Wings Giveaway!!
Yay!! My first EVER giveaway!! I'm soooooo excited! Giveaways are so much fun (who doesn't like free stuff???) In honor of my new Facebook fan page I'm giving something away! I wanted to start with something small- it took me awhile to figure out what to giveaway..... I knew I wanted to give away a Starbucks giftcard (it's my absolute favorite thing to be given) but I wanted something else fun and unique to give away with it, something that went right along with a Starbucks giftcard. Finally I found it....... a Specs & Wings coffee cozy made by the one and only Molly Swanson. If you have never seen any of Molly's Specs & Wings art head on over to her blog or Facebook page and check it out..... she is an incredibly talented artist!
Here is the Specs & Wings coffee cozy I'm giving away...... how cute are the buttons!!

To enter to win a $30 Starbucks giftcard and Specs & Wings coffee cozy:
1. Update your Facebook status with the following (don't have a Facebook...... twitter or email a friend about the giveaway!):
Christina Shippey Photography is giving away a Starbucks giftcard and a Specs & Wings coffee cozy! Check it out!
2. Come back and leave a comment letting me know what you did (also if you don't have a google or blogger profile.... please leave your name at the end of the post so I know who left the comment!)
Contest ends Sunday the 11th of April at midnight! I will put all the entries in a hat and randomly draw one and announce the winner next Monday!
P. S. I you aren't a fan on my new Facebook fan page head on over and join (Christina Shippey Photography)..... and feel free to send a few friend suggestions my way too!
I posted! :-) <3 U, Mrs. Headley
I posted on my facebook. PS Love your photography. I came across it since we both have the same maiden name! :)
Christina Hoverman
i posted on my facebook too. fun giveaway!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
ok! I did it!!!! Love the new fan page!!Love you too!!!
I posted to my facebook. I know your page because of Jodi and I love love love their new pictures. Like the new fan page.
I posted it on Facebook. :-)
On my Facebook wall.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I posted on facebook and twitter! Those coffee sleeves are too cute!
I posted it on my facebook! So fun!! Julie S.
Hey Stins!!
I became a fan of you and posted the link!! I sure do miss you hopefully Ill see you this summer!!
Hey Stins!
I became a fan of you and posted the link!! I sure do miss you! Hopefully I'll get to see you this summer!! -Michaela
I just updated on my status! I love the coffee cozy, it's so cute! Hope all is well with yall! I love the newborn pictures you took, their beautiful!
I posted!
Those are too adorable!
-Emily Taylor
Shared on Facebook -- *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Kristen Brown
These are so cute! It is good to see you Christina! Please enter me into the drawing.
I posted too!!! Which you know I already love and have seen all your work....great job and a fun giveaway!!! Rose
shared on my FB :) Those coffee sleeves are too cool !
I posted on my facebook status! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks)
I posted in facebook! Thanks for the giveaway. Great site.
I tweeted, posted on FB and became a fan! Hope you're doing great!
I posted! This is great!!!
I emailed a few people :)
Facebook'd! :D
Love the site.
Love the photos.
Great giveaway!
I Just posted it... it's 12am somewhere!
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