
Welcome to my blog! I'm Christina Shippey...... a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Northwest Arkansas! Here you get to see my most recent work and occasionally get a peek into my personal life.

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For the Love Workshop!!!

Wow!! Hello everyone!! Hope you had a merry Christmas!! I feel like I haven't blogged in forever.....ok .... it isn't just a feeling....I really haven't blogged in forever!! I have been everywhere and done everything this past month (visited family, family cruise.... and moving from Florida to Arkansas) but I am going to have my last blog in 2009 be about something I am crazy excited about!! A photography workshop.... and not just ANY photography workshop..... but an awesome CHRISTIAN photography workshop/retreat!! For the Love Workshop is a photography workshop specifically for Christian photographers and is designed to give them a break from all the pressures of being a photographer in the modern day market and to learn how to focus on God for their inspiration and creativity!! Wow... how cool is that! It will be at a Resort in the beautiful Tennesee Smokey mountains for five days in February!! As if that isn't enough of a reason to attend the workshop.... there is more! The workshop will be taught by some of my personnel photography heroes..... Lauren Clark, Erik Clausen and Ginny Corbitt (click on their names and check out their work.... they are all amazing photographers!!!) The cherry on top of all this goodness is that each day will begin with a devotional time and then worship led by none other than the AMAZING Meredith Andrews!!! Photography, worship, plenty of time spent Jesus..... and other people who share my passion and love for Jesus and photography!! Now you know why I am so excited.... but it gets even better...... they are having a contest and giving away a spot at the workshop... and I am entered in that contest!! I feel as if I could go on ALL day about the workshop...... but suffice to say the workshop will be wonderful.... and I am hoping... and praying that my name is drawn and that I able to go and soak up all kinds of photography knowledge from some of the best.... as well as spend time focusing myself, and my business on Christ!! For more details head to the For the Love website! Much more to come soon.... I am crazy behind blogging sessions!! Happy New Years to everyone!! God Bless!!!



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