
Welcome to my blog! I'm Christina Shippey...... a wedding and portrait photographer based out of Northwest Arkansas! Here you get to see my most recent work and occasionally get a peek into my personal life.

Take a look around and feel free to leave a comment.... I love to hear what you think and really enjoy feedback!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Maternity Photography. Whitney

Meet Whitney and her beautiful family (with another one on the way.) I had so much fun getting to meet and take pictures of Whitney and her family. Whitney is into photography too..... so we spent a lot of the session talking about our mutual love of photography! Whitney is absolutely gorgeous.... beautiful skin, beautiful eyes and beautiful hair..... made my job very easy!! Whitney thanks for being such a blast and being up for anything..... even at 33 weeks!

Quick snapshot of the family.....

Love the red hair with the bright pink shirt...... so sweet..... I just love color!

One of my favorite shots......I know I already said it once..... but Whitney your eyes are so pretty!!

Love Affair Workshop Giveaway: Kelly Moore Bag

Check out the LOVE AFFAIR BLOG and enter to win a Kelly Moore Bag & a seat to their upcoming workshop in Dallas!! www.loveaffairworkshop.com

Another day of the Love Affair Workshop giveaway!! Each day I get so much more excited about the workshop...... today I've even started dreaming up ways to raise the money to go........ which hopefully I won't need to do if I just win a spot in the giveaway!! Today's giveaway is a Kelly Moore Bag...... perfect for carrying your camera and lenses around and still looking fabulous!! She even has a new bag for the guys!


Love Affair Workshop Giveaway: Get it Together Kit!

I want to win the Get It Together Kit & a seat to Love Affair Workshop. GO read the details and register! http://www.loveaffairworkshop.com

Woohoo! I get so excited every time I post about this workshop!! Love Affair is a workshop put one by four AMAZING women photographers who are so talented and gracious! I really look up to and admire every single one of them. This year's workshop is in Dallas..... one of my absolute favorite town's ever (I used to live just north of Dallas!) Today's giveaway is Millie Holloman's brand new Get It Together Kit! If you have a crazy busy photography business..... and you need a little help in the organization department..... this giveaway is for you!!


Love Affair Workshop Giveaway: UNO

I want a UNO DVD and a shot at the scholarship to the Love Affair Workshop! http://www.loveaffairworkshop.com

I do believe you will be hearing about this workshop and their giveaways every day of this week!! Which I think is really great...... Love Affair is just that amazing!! Today the giveaway is Lauren Clark's photoshop tutorial UNO! It is awesome..... if you want to learn more about photoshop and how to make your colors pop in your pictures like Lauren does..... this is the dvd for you!


Love Affair Workshop Giveaway!!! Woohoo!!

Check out http://www.loveaffairworkshop.com! They’re giving away prizes & a seat to their workshop on the blog this week! Go enter to win!

Can you tell I'm excited!? Love Affair Workshop is having their week of giveaways! Today's giveaway is an Insight Kit by Davina Fear. Check out all of her insight kits here. I would love to win one of these kits (I already have my eye on a certain kit and will probably be buying it shortly if I don't win it!) At the end of the week Love Affair is giving away one seat to the workshop in Dallas this September! How awesome is that! I have entered the last two years and am entering again this year. My goal is to either win a spot...... or eventually be able to afford a spot at the workshop! For more information about the workshop click here.


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Maternity Photography. Whitney: Sneak Peek

Just got back from a super fun maternity shoot with this beautiful couple. I was going through the images and found this one (it was literally the last picture I took) and had to post it. I think it is my new favorite picture! More of Whitney and Jesse's session coming soon!


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Cari: What to Do When It Rains

So...... sometimes it rains when I really want to take pictures! This last week I had two session cancelled because of the rain..... no, make that cancelled because of the three day flood that hit Lubbock while I was there! After being cooped up for so long my friend Cari and I had had enough and, armed with rain boots, umbrellas and a friend to hold the umbrellas we headed out to take some pictures! We soon discovered that not only was it pouring rain, it was also windy and cold! So what did we do? We found an old parking garage, tucked away from the rain and wind, and started snapping away!

Meet Cari..... one of my best friends! I stayed with her while in Lubbock (I kinda turned her whole living room into my closet while I was there!) Cari is awesome..... she is super random and always up for something sweet (like cupcakes and frozen yogurt).... or an adventure! She was also kind of my "suger mama" while I was in Lubbock...... I accidently left my debit card in a jean pocket and she ended up having to buy my meals my last day there! Thanks Cari...... I owe you! Come visit me and I'll be your "suger mama!!" :)

Despite the rain we ended up getting some really fun pics..... helps that Cari is so pretty and we had a super fun, colorful umbrella!

This is probably one of my new favorite pictures....... aren't her eyes amazing!?


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Senior Photography. Texas Tech Senior: Perla

Meet Perla! Perla is one of my good friends who lives in Lubbock, Texas (I went there last week for a Brainwash with the one and only Lauren Clark! More about that in an upcoming post..... suffice it to say these pictures were taken AFTER my day spent with Lauren and I think it really shows!) Perla is a senior at Texas Tech and is about to graduate in May with a Interior Design degree (I am already plotting ways to get her up here to Arkansas to help me with a certain room in my house!) Perla is one of those one-in-a-million people.... she is completely herself and completely unique! There is no one like Perla..... from her voice, her laugh..... her sweet, sweet spirit! It was so refreshing to get to see her and hang out some while in Lubbock..... I don't think I have laughed so hard in quite a while! She is truly beautiful inside and out! I hope these pictures give a little glimpse of Perla's personality! Perla I can't wait to see what God has planned for you in these next couple of years!!

Have I mentioned how much I love the color turquoise....... why there aren't more turquoise buildings and walls in this world I don't know!

One of my favs...... isn't she sooooo pretty!

Serious...... and not so serious!

My sweet friend Cari came along and took pics of me taking pics..... and snapped these pics of Perla and I..... being completely serious of course!


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Engagement Photography. Bryan & Heather

Wow! My week has been crazy so far...... and I am absolutely loving every minute of it! Life is so beautiful and God is so good! Meet Bryan and Heather! We had a bunch of fun wandering around around town last Saturday, enjoying the fresh, springtime weather! Engagement sessions + spring= a match made in heaven...... I just love the two together! Enjoy!

While waiting for the steps of Old Main to clear we plopped down in the grass and ended up getting some fun shots!

Love how rich and green the grass is!

So glad I caught this kiss and reaction on my camera! :)

Dear Old Main steps...... I really like you..... and yes, I will be back for more! (Interesting piece of trivia...... Old Main is the oldest building on the University of Arkansas campus..... it was built in like 1975! So cool to me that it is that old...... someday I think I'm just going to go sit on these steps and see if I can soak up some history!!)

Love these beautiful pink flowers that are everywhere...... anybody want to come plant some in my yard?


Winner of My First Ever Giveaway!!!

Thank you sooooo much to everyone who entered my giveaway and spread the word on Facebook! I had a ton of fun with the giveaway and I think I'll do more in the future! Any ideas for my next giveaway...... a session perhaps.... or perhaps another giftcard?? Hmmmmm?

Now on to the winner of the Starbucks gift card and Specs & Wings coffee cozy (side note...... when I told my hubby I was doing a giveaway on my blog his only question was if he could be the one to draw the name for me out of the bowl..... so cute :) ..... so the winner was drawn by none other than my sweet hubby Chris)........... and the winner is.................. KRISTEN BROWN!!!! Congrats Kristen!! Email your address and contact info to christinashippeyphotography@gmail.com to claim your prize!!

Didn't win but still want a Specs & Wings coffee cozy..... head over to the Specs & Wings blog and order one from Molly (she has ALL kinds of other amazing artwork that you really need to see too!!)

Speaking of giveaways....... I am heading to Lubbock tomorrow for a Brainwash with Lauren Clark...... that I won on a giveaway on her UNO blog! I am so incredibly excited to be able to learn from one of the best!! Woohoo!!!


Northwest Arkansas Photographer. Engagement Photography. Bryan & Heather: Sneak Peek!

Just a quick sneak peek of the engagement session I had tonight with Bryan and Heather! More coming soon!


Starbucks and Specs & Wings Giveaway!!

Yay!! My first EVER giveaway!! I'm soooooo excited! Giveaways are so much fun (who doesn't like free stuff???) In honor of my new Facebook fan page I'm giving something away! I wanted to start with something small- it took me awhile to figure out what to giveaway..... I knew I wanted to give away a Starbucks giftcard (it's my absolute favorite thing to be given) but I wanted something else fun and unique to give away with it, something that went right along with a Starbucks giftcard. Finally I found it....... a Specs & Wings coffee cozy made by the one and only Molly Swanson. If you have never seen any of Molly's Specs & Wings art head on over to her blog or Facebook page and check it out..... she is an incredibly talented artist!

Here is the Specs & Wings coffee cozy I'm giving away...... how cute are the buttons!!

Haha...... and of course I couldn't give away one with out getting one for myself as well........ I'm all about pink!!

Makes drinking Starbucks even that much more fun!! It also solves the problem I've been having lately..... when they don't give you a sleeve at Starbucks and your coffee is about to burn your hand off!! Now my hand isn't in any danger when I have a hot Starbucks drink in my hand...... and I'm being green (saving the earth one starbucks drink at a time!!)

To enter to win a $30 Starbucks giftcard and Specs & Wings coffee cozy:

1. Update your Facebook status with the following (don't have a Facebook...... twitter or email a friend about the giveaway!):

Christina Shippey Photography is giving away a Starbucks giftcard and a Specs & Wings coffee cozy! Check it out! http://christinamaeshippey.blogspot.com/2010/04/starbucks-and-specs-wings-giveaway.html

2. Come back and leave a comment letting me know what you did (also if you don't have a google or blogger profile.... please leave your name at the end of the post so I know who left the comment!)

Contest ends Sunday the 11th of April at midnight! I will put all the entries in a hat and randomly draw one and announce the winner next Monday!

P. S. I you aren't a fan on my new Facebook fan page head on over and join (Christina Shippey Photography)..... and feel free to send a few friend suggestions my way too!


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